We open a restaurant: permits
Catering is one of the most difficult areas of business regulated by law. Requirements - weight, inspection bodies - too. How to understand the legal subtleties and open a restaurant…

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How to make money on Instagram: 9 profitable ideas
Anyone can start a business on Instagram. Minimum investment, fast learning, remote work. The only problem is to choose the right direction in which you can succeed. Today Instagram is…

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House for photo shoots: how to open a photo studio
Today photos are an integral part of our life. So familiar that it is already difficult to imagine how people lived without the ability to capture memorable events in the…


How to make money in the US stock market
What is the stock market? - These are purchases, and after - resale of valuable goods, which include stocks or indices. The place where trades take place is called trading…

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Should I buy office furniture in an online store?
Arguments against buying furniture online Online stores began to develop in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet relatively recently, and their share is small compared to conventional stores. In the…


Domestic craftsmen

Own business: automatic instant photo booth

Fast payback periods of the photo booth make this type of small business very attractive for start-up entrepreneurs.

What other advantages does this business have?

First of all, the photo booth is fun and creative (now it’s possible to “model” photo cards), and the consumer loves to have fun and take pictures. The client sees himself on the monitor screen, and the photo is made in just a few seconds. Continue reading

House for photo shoots: how to open a photo studio
Today photos are an integral part of our life. So familiar that it is already difficult to imagine how people lived without the ability to capture memorable events in the…


Outdoor advertising: how to create banners for billboards
Outdoor advertising has a significant advantage compared to other advertising options. Under its influence, which continues day after day for a whole day, a huge number of people fall. Huge…


How to make a business plan yourself
What is a business plan The simplest definition of a business plan is a document that describes all aspects of an enterprise’s activity, potential problems are predicted and solutions are…
