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Outdoor advertising: how to create banners for billboards

Outdoor advertising has a significant advantage compared to other advertising options. Under its influence, which continues day after day for a whole day, a huge number of people fall. Huge colorful canvases of banners installed along the roadway, it is simply impossible not to notice. Their presence ensures the rapid and successful promotion of goods and services. In this article you will learn why outdoor advertising is needed and how banners are created

Usually such advertising is presented in the form of banners or billboards. Most often, the size of outdoor advertising is 3×6 m. Many still do not know what a banner and billboard are. So, the banner is a graphic, colorful image of an advertising character. It can be one and two-sided. A billboard is a billboard that is installed along streets and highways. There is a type of billboard, with which you can display several different advertising images in turn.

Large format printing. Billboard advertising
How are banners created?

Banner banners are created using imported equipment. For drawing an image are applied:

Solvent ink. Designed to create outdoor advertising, so they are resistant to the external environment
Eco solvent ink. Used for interior printing.
The drawing is applied on polyvinyl chloride fabric, which is reinforced with reinforced polyester mesh. Currently there are two varieties of this material:

Laminated, which is not durable;
Cast banner fabric for a long time retains its respectable appearance.


The material for creating banners according to its texture can be matte or glossy. The procedure for making a banner is complex and only a professional company can handle it successfully.

How to start working with the customer?
First of all, the preferences of the customer, which relate to the image and text on the banner itself, are clarified. If the client of the company has no specific wishes, then the designer enters the business. Employees develop options and offer them to the client. After coordination of one of the sketches with the client, the technical task is being prepared. Based on this document, an image and text are printed on the cloth of the desired size.

The fabric of the banner is attached to the shield, which is installed in its designated place. A billboard will be clearly visible in the dark if it is covered with a reflective layer. A similar effect will have the installation and automatically turn on the backlight.

Why is outdoor advertising necessary?
The main advantage of outdoor advertising is that with it you can reach a large audience of people. People watch this advertisements voluntarily, and therefore they treat it more loyally than, for example, advertising that is broadcast on TV or radio. Outdoor advertising creates a good attitude to the brand, widely informs customers about new services, products. She can also talk about promotions and discounts.

Banners must indicate the address that tells you where your store, restaurant, club, office, etc. is located. Also close to your company, bank, company, you can set a pointer that will help a potential client to quickly find you.

Outdoor advertising is used by a huge number of companies. With it, you can raise the image of the company and attract new customers. Now you know why banners are needed and how they are created. And thanks to her, you will convey to the consumer the information you need.

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