Cryptocurrency: what it is, why it is needed, pros and cons
A few years ago, few people heard about cryptocurrency. Gradually, people began to learn more about it and now it is one of the most discussed topics in the whole…

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Rules of communication with customers by phone
The impression of the company is formed in the first few minutes of a conversation with its representative. More than 95% of such conversations take place over the telephone -…

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Why is website important to your business?
Today we live in a world where none of us can imagine their lives without the Internet. Now you can advertise everything on the net. The Internet has long been…


Monetizing words: 11 ways to make money on writing
Blog The most "free" and obvious to date area for the writer and a way to win an audience. Themes for blogs are many and varied and, even if you…

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Own business: Internet cinema
To get started, the first thing you need to register as a business entity. The easiest way is to form a legal entity, and the preferred form is a limited…


brokerage firms

Recruitment agency business plan

The purpose of this project is to open a recruitment agency for the implementation of a range of recruiting services in a city with a population of over 1 million people.

The Russian labor market is becoming more mature, and therefore the popularity of recruitment services is increasing. Today, almost all companies that are looking for employees, resort to the services of recruitment agencies. Employment agencies on the labor market act as intermediaries between employers and applicants, ensuring that the first candidate is selected according to the stated requirements, and the second one helps to find a job. Continue reading

Own business: automatic instant photo booth

Fast payback periods of the photo booth make this type of small business very attractive for start-up entrepreneurs.

What other advantages does this business have?

First of all, the photo booth is fun and creative (now it’s possible to “model” photo cards), and the consumer loves to have fun and take pictures. The client sees himself on the monitor screen, and the photo is made in just a few seconds. Continue reading

Do it yourself 10 types of needlework, which you can earn well
Production of designer jewelry Jewelry is a product that allows many women not only to express themselves perfectly, but also to earn. An infinite number of combinations of materials and…


Your business: how to open an insurance company
Is it possible to open your insurance business and how much you can earn on it? We understand the basic concepts and formats, analyze the insurance market, calculate investments. The…


Open a live account on the USA (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX) online
An organized place where securities are traded is called the stock exchange. Usually traders (the one who sells or buys this valuable product) are private individuals or whole credit and…
