Business plan of a private security organization
1. Summary of the project The goal of the project is to create a private security organization (ORD) specializing in physical and monitoring security services for facilities. The list of…

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Как оформить банкротство
Cleaning Business Plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The goal of the project is to open a cleaning company in Rostov-on-Don. The main source of income of the institution is the payment for professional cleaning…

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Overview of stock exchanges for earnings on stock trading
What are stock exchanges and how can you make money with them? About this and much more in our article. So, the stock exchange is a financial institution in which…


How to make a business plan yourself
What is a business plan The simplest definition of a business plan is a document that describes all aspects of an enterprise’s activity, potential problems are predicted and solutions are…

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Going east: how to open a business with China
Business with China is high profits and profitable cooperation. We have collected tips on how to organize a home-based business, start a business without investments and what main areas to…


can be pedestrians

Recruitment agency business plan

The purpose of this project is to open a recruitment agency for the implementation of a range of recruiting services in a city with a population of over 1 million people.

The Russian labor market is becoming more mature, and therefore the popularity of recruitment services is increasing. Today, almost all companies that are looking for employees, resort to the services of recruitment agencies. Employment agencies on the labor market act as intermediaries between employers and applicants, ensuring that the first candidate is selected according to the stated requirements, and the second one helps to find a job. Continue reading

Your business: how to open an insurance company

Is it possible to open your insurance business and how much you can earn on it? We understand the basic concepts and formats, analyze the insurance market, calculate investments.

The insurance market of the Russian Federation in recent years is on the rise, especially noticeable against the background of a series of crisis phenomena that affect other areas of Russian business. To enter this market, in our opinion, it is necessary to have already experience and accumulated clients in this field. Providing sufficient profitability, the insurance business will allow an entrepreneur to start his own business with minimal investment. Continue reading

Own business: automatic instant photo booth

Fast payback periods of the photo booth make this type of small business very attractive for start-up entrepreneurs.

What other advantages does this business have?

First of all, the photo booth is fun and creative (now it’s possible to “model” photo cards), and the consumer loves to have fun and take pictures. The client sees himself on the monitor screen, and the photo is made in just a few seconds. Continue reading

Offshore zones and companies: What is offshore?
Many people who regularly earn big money, try to bring profits to the maximum, getting rid of various kinds of losses. Each of them tries to avoid carve-ups with the…


Should I buy office furniture in an online store?
Arguments against buying furniture online Online stores began to develop in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet relatively recently, and their share is small compared to conventional stores. In the…


Stock trading in the US stock market (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX)
A brief history of stock trading 1. The emergence of stock trading It is believed that the emergence of stock trading through specialized sites occurred during the heyday of the…
