Rating of stock market brokers
A stock or stock broker is a company that purchases and sells securities on the stock market on behalf of its clients. On the stock exchange, the broker is a…

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How to make money in the US stock market
What is the stock market? - These are purchases, and after - resale of valuable goods, which include stocks or indices. The place where trades take place is called trading…

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Your business: how to open an insurance company
Is it possible to open your insurance business and how much you can earn on it? We understand the basic concepts and formats, analyze the insurance market, calculate investments. The…


Deposit: what is it and why is it needed?
Deposit - storage of funds in banks, which in certain conditions and within a certain period are subject to return. The term "deposit" comes from the Latin language and is…

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Your business: how to open a roadside café-fastfood
Many dream of their cafe. But not everyone survives in a competitive market. Roadside café-fast food is a free and promising niche. You can earn no less, and more development…


in the conversation

Should I buy office furniture in an online store?

Arguments against buying furniture online
Online stores began to develop in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet relatively recently, and their share is small compared to conventional stores. In the furniture industry, this already meager percentage becomes even smaller. But in fact, to buy office furniture online means to save a lot of money, effort and time to perform other, more important tasks. Continue reading

Rules of communication with customers by phone

The impression of the company is formed in the first few minutes of a conversation with its representative. More than 95% of such conversations take place over the telephone – personal meetings are scheduled in exceptional cases. If the manager fails to reach the client or the conversation leaves an unpleasant impression, there will be no second chance – the latter will use the services of another organization. Etiquette of telephone communication includes many nuances, the main ones will be considered by Elgreloo.com in this article. Continue reading

Barbershop Business Plan
Barbershop is a trendy men's business that can bring good profits and become a matter for the soul. In this article, we calculated what the opening of the men's salon…


Offshore zones and companies: What is offshore?
Many people who regularly earn big money, try to bring profits to the maximum, getting rid of various kinds of losses. Each of them tries to avoid carve-ups with the…


Rules of communication with customers by phone
The impression of the company is formed in the first few minutes of a conversation with its representative. More than 95% of such conversations take place over the telephone -…
