Own business: how to open the salon "Photos on the documents"
To open a photo salon on documents, 100 thousand rubles is enough. At the same time, the demand for photo services for documents continues to grow, as well as for…

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Barbershop is a trendy men's business that can bring good profits and become a matter for the soul. In this article, we calculated what the opening of the men's salon…

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1. PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose of this project is to open a recruitment agency for the implementation of a range of recruiting services in a city with a population of…

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Recruitment agency business plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The purpose of this project is to open a recruitment agency for the implementation of a range of recruiting services in a city with a population of…


Rating of the richest people in the world

Bill Gates returned to first place – after a four-year break, he again took this position in 2014 and continues to hold it. This is already the 16th time in the last 21 years, and it seems that the founder of Microsoft is not going to give up the position – his fortune, currently $ 79.2 billion, has increased by 3.2 billion over the past year. At that, his fortune slowly but surely leaves the limits of the company and extends to other areas. However, this does not interfere with the enrichment of Gates – like his unprecedented charitable activities: the amount invested by Gates in improving the educational system of the United States and fighting tuberculosis and polio in Africa has already reached $ 30.7 billion.
Four years the list of the richest people in the world was opened by the Mexican businessman Carlos Slim El, for the second consecutive year, giving way to Gates and second in the lead. State tycoon is estimated at 77.1 billion dollars, an increase over the last year more than 5 billion. He made his capital by taking up telecommunications – for example, in 2014 he bought out a stake in AT & T, the American telecom giant, thus creating his largest asset. He also controls such companies as Grupo Carso, Grupo Financiero Inbursa and Ideal, and is the largest shareholder of The New York Times. However, there is a possibility that his position will soon decrease – the Mexican government began a series of reforms to tighten the anti-monopoly legislation in the telecommunications industry.
Closes the three leaders of Warren Buffett, the famous investor, who increased over the last year his fortune by 14.5 billion dollars and currently owns a capital of 72.7 billion. This is his best achievement in the entire history of his activity, but he is not slowing down in spite of his advanced age – for example, in November 2014 he made a deal worth 4.7 billion, having bought Duracell from Procter & Gamble. The shares of Buffett’s investment empire, Berkshire Hathway, in August of the same 2014 reached a maximum value of $ 200,000 apiece, finally establishing itself as the most expensive on the US stock exchange.
Next, the following dollar billionaires from around the world entered the list of the richest people in the world:

Hispanic Amancio Ortega, owning a capital of 64.5 billion dollars. Over the past year has increased the state by 0.5 billion.

Starting his way as the son of a simple railway worker, he achieved incredible success by founding Zara in 1975 and has been actively developing it since then. Starting from sewing gowns and underwear, he gradually expanded both the assortment and geography of distribution of goods, by the mid-1980s fully covering the Spanish market and beginning to move abroad, currently covering many countries from Asia to Eastern Europe.
Larry Ellison, a talented developer, founder of Oracle, who earned $ 6.3 billion last year. The overall condition is estimated at 54.3 billion. In recent years, actively invested in real estate – for example, in 2012, he acquired the island of Lanai in the Hawaiian archipelago.

Charles Koch, American businessman, philanthropist and politician. Together with his brother David, he founded Koch Industries and over the last year increased his personal capital from 40 billion to 42.9. The field of activity is extremely wide – from the oil refining industry, which forms the basis of its capital, to the production of paper towels. He is actively involved in charity work, in particular, he strongly supports the development of educational institutions. A prime example is the issuance of a grant of 25 million to a foundation that supports African American students.

David Koch entered the ranking of the richest people in the world with his brother. The state is estimated at almost 43 billion. Sponsors the Republican Party, spent 65 million for the reconstruction of the Metropolitan Museum, for which one of the squares was named in his honor.

Christy Walton is the richest woman in the world, owning a fortune of 41.7 billion. Inherited her fortune from her husband, John Walton, who invested in the development of First Solar, a manufacturer of solar panels, but this does not mean that Christy Walton fell into the rating undeservedly – she owns Wal-Mart, which has brought nearly half a billion dollars to it over the past year. In general, Christie Walton’s fortune has increased by 5 billion since the last ranking.

Jim Walton One of the sons of the gorgeous Sam Walton, the world’s largest retailer. The state is 40.6 billion, having increased over the past year by 5.9 billion. Owns shares in the network of Wal Mart, successfully manages and develops the family bank of Arvest Bank, receiving in 2013 130 million net profit.

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