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Business plan of a private security organization

1. Summary of the project
The goal of the project is to create a private security organization (ORD) specializing in physical and monitoring security services for facilities. The list of the company’s services will include armed and unarmed protection of objects and property, provision of internal facility and access control at the facilities, installation and maintenance of security and alarm alarms, and services of rapid response teams. The company will provide security services to individuals as well as small and large enterprises. Coverage area of ​​the security organization will be the territory of the city with a population of 500 thousand people.

To create a private security organization will be raised cash in the amount of 3 958 500 rubles., Taken from their own savings. The payback period of the project is 22 months. It will take 3 months to prepare for the opening of the organization, including the registration and licensing procedures.
2. Description of industry and company
The first private security structures appeared in the USSR during the period of perestroika after the signing of the law “On Cooperation in the USSR” in May 1988. Despite the fact that the law did not regulate security activities, in practice security co-operatives appeared, providing personal security services for clients and their interests in private. The increase in the number of security organizations occurred in the post-Soviet period and lasted until 2010. So, if in 1993 in Russia there were 100 thousand employees of private security services and security services, by 1999 there were already more than 165 thousand security guards with a license and 11 thousand security organizations. By 2009, more than 29 thousand private security firms and security services and 762 thousand people with about 120 thousand service weapons were working in the Russian Federation. In 2010, due to the entry into force of changes in legislation, the number of security companies decreased, and the number of security guards decreased to 745 thousand people.

In 2014, there were about 719 thousand licensed security guards and about 23.5 thousand private security organizations in Russia. In monetary terms, the market volume, according to the company Rustelecom, amounted to 138.2 billion rubles. Of this amount, about a quarter falls on the traditional physical security, the rest – on the segment of technical security equipment. Analysts emphasize that the TSB segment is gradually crowding out live guards. Recently, integrated services have become the most sought-after niche, including the installation of security alarm systems, console protection, as well as physical security services, special services, including rapid response teams, escort teams, etc.

This project will consider the creation of a private security organization (ORD), specializing in services for the physical and monitoring protection of objects. The list of the company’s services will include armed and unarmed security of facilities and property, provision of on-site and access control at facilities, delivery, installation and maintenance of security and alarm alarms, and services of rapid response teams. The company will provide security services to individuals as well as small and large enterprises.

Ready ideas for your business.

The coverage area of ​​the security organization will be the territory of the city with a population of 500 thousand people. The company’s office with a centralized monitoring console, a monitoring center, a customer service department, a base for the rapid response team and a weapon room are located on an area of ​​40 square meters. meters in the central area of ​​the city.

The legal form of a private security organization, in accordance with Russian legislation, will be a limited liability company. The system of taxation will be selected by the USN 15%. OKVED code for ORR – 80.1 private security services.

The company will be managed by the founder represented by the director. In his submission will be the security department, which in turn will include security guards of stationary and non-stationary objects, rapid response teams, a department for the installation of security systems, a specialist in working with clients, support staff.

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