Your business: how to open an insurance company
Is it possible to open your insurance business and how much you can earn on it? We understand the basic concepts and formats, analyze the insurance market, calculate investments. The…

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How to choose a massage table: useful tips when choosing a table for massage
Each professional in his arsenal has the necessary tools to work. At the hairdresser's - these are scissors, at the seamstress - a needle, and for massage therapists and manual…

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Rating of stock market brokers
A stock or stock broker is a company that purchases and sells securities on the stock market on behalf of its clients. On the stock exchange, the broker is a…


Your business: how to open an insurance company
Is it possible to open your insurance business and how much you can earn on it? We understand the basic concepts and formats, analyze the insurance market, calculate investments. The…

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Outdoor advertising: how to create banners for billboards
Outdoor advertising has a significant advantage compared to other advertising options. Under its influence, which continues day after day for a whole day, a huge number of people fall. Huge…


information resource

Business plan of a private security organization

1. Summary of the project
The goal of the project is to create a private security organization (ORD) specializing in physical and monitoring security services for facilities. The list of the company’s services will include armed and unarmed protection of objects and property, provision of internal facility and access control at the facilities, installation and maintenance of security and alarm alarms, and services of rapid response teams. The company will provide security services to individuals as well as small and large enterprises. Coverage area of ​​the security organization will be the territory of the city with a population of 500 thousand people. Continue reading

Outdoor advertising. Advertising opportunities on vehicles
Advertisers have long used vehicles to advertise. This is an excellent platform for the dissemination of advertising information to the average person. Imagine our life without cars is impossible. They…


Do it yourself 10 types of needlework, which you can earn well
Production of designer jewelry Jewelry is a product that allows many women not only to express themselves perfectly, but also to earn. An infinite number of combinations of materials and…


Own business: how to open an audit company
Auditing companies are involved in the work of almost any business. Along with the compulsory audit, which must be carried out by some companies, firms that also need assistance in…
