Training in the US stock market for beginners and experienced traders
The material discusses the types of training courses on trading in the US stock market for beginners and experienced traders, as well as their effectiveness and compliance with the level…

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Own photo business: 10 most common questions
1. From year to year my income remains at the same level, and I am tired of shooting the same thing. Can I do something else? First of all, you…

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Should I buy office furniture in an online store?
Arguments against buying furniture online Online stores began to develop in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet relatively recently, and their share is small compared to conventional stores. In the…


House for photo shoots: how to open a photo studio
Today photos are an integral part of our life. So familiar that it is already difficult to imagine how people lived without the ability to capture memorable events in the…

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Rating of stock market brokers
A stock or stock broker is a company that purchases and sells securities on the stock market on behalf of its clients. On the stock exchange, the broker is a…


more suitable

Business plan of a private security organization

1. Summary of the project
The goal of the project is to create a private security organization (ORD) specializing in physical and monitoring security services for facilities. The list of the company’s services will include armed and unarmed protection of objects and property, provision of internal facility and access control at the facilities, installation and maintenance of security and alarm alarms, and services of rapid response teams. The company will provide security services to individuals as well as small and large enterprises. Coverage area of ​​the security organization will be the territory of the city with a population of 500 thousand people. Continue reading

Own photo business: 10 most common questions

1. From year to year my income remains at the same level, and I am tired of shooting the same thing. Can I do something else?

First of all, you need to understand why you are doing this business. If you come to the answer that you really like working with people, like being involved in joyful events in their lives, then you still need to stay in this area. But you have to revise the goal. If you want to get more revenue and variety of content, you should look at customers with higher solvency. You will be able to sell your services to them more expensively, and they, in turn, will provide you with novelty plots. In this segment of clients, weddings, as a rule, have a higher level of organization. Continue reading

20 business ideas that can be implemented without investment

Open your zero-capital business is the most common dream of many start-up entrepreneurs. However, you need to understand that business ideas without investments … does not exist in principle. Either way, you will need either existing material resources or knowledge, or time, which is perhaps your most important resource. Therefore, having ignited this or that idea without investments, do not forget that in the process of its implementation, you may spend a lot more than you get. Perhaps, the time spent could be spent on training in a more promising area? Continue reading

Why is website important to your business?
Today we live in a world where none of us can imagine their lives without the Internet. Now you can advertise everything on the net. The Internet has long been…


Your business: how to open a roadside café-fastfood
Many dream of their cafe. But not everyone survives in a competitive market. Roadside café-fast food is a free and promising niche. You can earn no less, and more development…


30 real ideas for small business in Russia in 2019
Every month, hundreds of new business ideas appear around the world, but most of them in Russia are either completely incompatible or only suitable for Moscow and St. Petersburg, which…
