Own business: studio SMM
Relatively recently, a new business tool has appeared that allows the company to promote services or products in the market. It is called SMM - social media marketing, and as…

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Own business: maintaining your channel on Youtube
Maintaining your channel on Youtube can hardly be called a full-fledged business, but to some extent this applies to business activities. Moreover, today there are real examples of how people…

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How to make a business plan yourself
What is a business plan The simplest definition of a business plan is a document that describes all aspects of an enterprise’s activity, potential problems are predicted and solutions are…


Large format printing: what it is, types and benefits
Large format printing is a digital printing on roll materials, which is produced on specialized large format printers or plotters. The picture printed on such devices turns out bright, colorful,…

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Open a live account on the USA (NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX) online
An organized place where securities are traded is called the stock exchange. Usually traders (the one who sells or buys this valuable product) are private individuals or whole credit and…


Arguments against

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Do it yourself 10 types of needlework, which you can earn well

Production of designer jewelry

Jewelry is a product that allows many women not only to express themselves perfectly, but also to earn. An infinite number of combinations of materials and a creative approach to business in the complex provide decorations that are sold at a premium of 200-300%, although some entrepreneurs bring it to 1000%. Since jewelry is a product of impulsive demand, it sells well in crowded places, for example, in shopping centers and underground passages. On our website you can find a guide to opening an island format jewelry store, as well as a business plan for vending jewelry trade. However, this type of business is more suitable for trade in mass products. Continue reading

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Monetizing words: 11 ways to make money on writing
Blog The most "free" and obvious to date area for the writer and a way to win an audience. Themes for blogs are many and varied and, even if you…


Rating of stock market brokers
A stock or stock broker is a company that purchases and sells securities on the stock market on behalf of its clients. On the stock exchange, the broker is a…


How to make an office interior comfortable for employees
An office is the heart of any company, its most important place. It is in the office that the employees of the company work; it is there that visitors and…
