Popular type of business: refilling cartridges
To work, you must register as a business entity. The easiest way is to form as an individual entrepreneur, because it does not require the investment of a large amount…

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Deposit: what is it and why is it needed?
Deposit - storage of funds in banks, which in certain conditions and within a certain period are subject to return. The term "deposit" comes from the Latin language and is…

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Own business: maintaining your channel on Youtube
Maintaining your channel on Youtube can hardly be called a full-fledged business, but to some extent this applies to business activities. Moreover, today there are real examples of how people…


What prevents to make money on binary options?
Everyone can trade binary options, but about 5% of those who try to do it have a stable income. All losers have something in common. Moreover, this “something” prevents people…

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Own business: automatic instant photo booth
Fast payback periods of the photo booth make this type of small business very attractive for start-up entrepreneurs. What other advantages does this business have? First of all, the photo…


the main users

Cleaning Business Plan

The goal of the project is to open a cleaning company in Rostov-on-Don. The main source of income of the institution is the payment for professional cleaning services. The cleaning company offers a wide range of services in the field of professional cleaning in commercial and private premises.

The target audience is the corporate segment represented by shopping and entertainment centers, offices, restaurants, cinemas; private segment. Continue reading

Going east: how to open a business with China
Business with China is high profits and profitable cooperation. We have collected tips on how to organize a home-based business, start a business without investments and what main areas to…


How to choose a massage table: useful tips when choosing a table for massage
Each professional in his arsenal has the necessary tools to work. At the hairdresser's - these are scissors, at the seamstress - a needle, and for massage therapists and manual…


Stamp and seal: their difference and difference. All about seals and stamps
Today, none of the organizations can do without stamps or seals. All this in order for the documents of a company to acquire an official look and to be unique.…
