Popular type of business: refilling cartridges
To work, you must register as a business entity. The easiest way is to form as an individual entrepreneur, because it does not require the investment of a large amount…

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Own business: maintaining your channel on Youtube
Maintaining your channel on Youtube can hardly be called a full-fledged business, but to some extent this applies to business activities. Moreover, today there are real examples of how people…

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Cleaning Business Plan
1. PROJECT SUMMARY The goal of the project is to open a cleaning company in Rostov-on-Don. The main source of income of the institution is the payment for professional cleaning…


Typography: large format printing. Development and production of outdoor advertising
One of the ways to convey information to consumers of goods and services is outdoor advertising. A well-designed poster, a sign on the window, the highlighting of the name of…

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How to choose a massage table: useful tips when choosing a table for massage
Each professional in his arsenal has the necessary tools to work. At the hairdresser's - these are scissors, at the seamstress - a needle, and for massage therapists and manual…


could afford

Typography: large format printing. Development and production of outdoor advertising
One of the ways to convey information to consumers of goods and services is outdoor advertising. A well-designed poster, a sign on the window, the highlighting of the name of…


We open a restaurant: permits
Catering is one of the most difficult areas of business regulated by law. Requirements - weight, inspection bodies - too. How to understand the legal subtleties and open a restaurant…


Own business: studio SMM
Relatively recently, a new business tool has appeared that allows the company to promote services or products in the market. It is called SMM - social media marketing, and as…
